Monday, September 26, 2011

Sunday, September 25, 2011


Saturday I didn't do any exercising.  I feel like I'm falling back into a sedentary state..but today I did a long walked that felt pretty good..I want be running for a while..not until I weigh less than 200 pounds..I want to protect my knees...I still want to do that Half Marathon in San Francisco in April..that's still very much one of my dreams..

Thursday, September 22, 2011

56 minutes...

Today I walked for 56min..I'm taking  a break from running for a while..well at least until my knee gets a lot better...I walked in the rain determine for nothing to stop me from exercising.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Today I ran 3 and half miles..I'm trying to take it easy for my knees sake..

Monday, September 19, 2011

2 Rest Days

My knee was really bothering me Sun and today. So both days I rested. I will try tomorrow easing back into my run. No long runs for a while.

Friday, September 16, 2011


Today was a scheduled rest day...and I decided to weigh myself there was no change in the scale from last month..I DON'T KNOW IF I WILL HAVE THE MOTIVATION TO RUN ANYMORE I AM SO DISCOURAGED...But I have to admit that I have a strong Junk food addiction..but I feel like I'm running a lot for no results...Praying to stay motivated..

Thursday, September 15, 2011

1 hour 10 minutes...

Today I ran for 1 hour 10 minutes..I didn't think I would be running at all today ..My daughter woke up at 4 am asking for juice..and that's usually the time I get up to go I laid in the bed with her for another hour..and she went back to sleep..but as soon as her eyes closed I got out of bed got dress and headed out the door..MY 16 year old don't have to be at school until 8:20am so I still had plenty of time to get a run in..Still wanting to look like a runner...

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Today I only ran 2 left knee was bothering me..and I was a little sore from my 5 1/2 mile run yesterday...after my short run I wasn't hurting at I will try for a long run tomorrow..

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

5 and a half Miles

I ran 5 1/2 miles today..Great Run..that started really slow and ended strong...

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Today I ran from 6:04am to 7:04am..exactly one hour...I think tomorrow I will take a rest day..because my left knee hurts a little..I'm so tired of being a fat runner..I'm trying to stick to it so I can soon see my hard work...

Saturday, September 10, 2011

1 hour 15 minutes...

Today I ran for 1 hour 15 minutes..I didn't calculate the mileage I just wanted to do a good long run..I wasn't sore no pain...these rest days are really paying off...Tomorrow I will try for another long run because Monday is another schedule rest day..I'm trying to stick to my rest day schedule so I don't risk injuring myself..So far out of all my friends I'm the only one still exercising..Maybe it's because it's something my husband and I do together..

Friday, September 9, 2011

Thursday, September 8, 2011

47 minutes..

Today I ran the neighborhood for 47 minutes...I didn't like running the neighborhood but  I wanted to save gas...

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Today I ran 5 miles... I started at 4:50am and ended at 6:16am...It was a slow 5 miles until the last mile which was a good steady moderate pace but I enjoyed the run..first day of my period and first cool run was only 61 degrees..I'm finally starting to feel healthier..I can't believe I have been running over 60 days..If I make it through the cool mornings of fall and the COLD mornings of Winter..then I know then..that I will be a runner for life...

Monday, September 5, 2011

Sunday, September 4, 2011

5 miles


                                       60 DAYS.....

Friday, September 2, 2011

Thursday, September 1, 2011

5 miles....

Today I ran a little over 5 miles...Funny thing is it turned out to be one of my best runs this week...I literally rolled out of bed and got dress..probably with my eyes closed I was so tired...My daughter didn't got to bed to  11pm...and when I have to get up at 4am 11pm is way to late..but I went out ran the first 4 miles really slow..and the last 1 1/2  I kick it out...

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

4 miles.....

Today I ran 4 miles..I was slower than yesterday..but the run felt pretty good...I started at 5:09am and ended at 6:20am.  

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

3 miles..

Today I ran 3 miles...I felt great no soreness...the rest from the 8 miles on Saturday really did me some good...

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Today I ran 8 miles. Well we ran 8 miles I'm still running with my husband. That was the most mental run I've had since I began running. When we first began I was not sure I could do it and honestly that run never became easy. It was a struggle from beginning to end. But We are only doing long runs twice a week if I can. Funny thing is I still don't feel or look like a runner but I am.

Friday, August 26, 2011


Today really sucked..I got dressed to go running..went out to the lake..and was so unmotivated..I just couldn't get up the energy to run..Then I came home and tried to do the stationary bike..and didn't have the energy for that either..The last time I felt so sluggish..My body was telling me it's time for a rest hopefully tomorrow..I can log in one of my LONG RUNS..

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Today I ran 2 miles...and rode the stationary bike 4 miles...I feel so awesome...I definitely have lost some weight because my hips would hurt so bad after sitting on that stationary bike for 1 mile..and I stayed on it for 4 miles..with no pain no problems..I discovered I could enjoy my stationary bike yesterday..It has been in my kitchen corner for months..and sometimes the kids may jump on it..or my husband..well yesterday I was talking to my son about some school events..and got on the bike to just sit and listen..and the longer I sat on the bike..I realize that I felt no pain..So I put on my MP3 player and rode for 1 mile and felt great..Now the bike has been added to my exercising plan..Watch out pounds because here I come.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Today I had a nice run..I ran over 5 1/2 miles very close to 6 miles..I started running at 4:46AM AND ENDED AT 6:10AM..It was a very nice run..I started off at a comfortable pace..ran fast in between..and ended quite nicely...I'm becoming more fit I can feel it..I was not breathing hard..It was so Awesome..I really want to do this half Marathon in San Francisco in April..I really hope Winter time doesn't slow me down..If I make it through the Fall..I'm going on the way.. I was wearing a Yoga Jacket..that use to fit very snug now it's loose.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

3 miles today..

I ran a quick 3 miles today..I didn't take my watch or my phone..I just ran 3 miles....I didn't push myself...I just really enjoyed the run..

Monday, August 22, 2011

Unexpected Rest Day

Today SUCKEDD!!!! my 4year old popped up again..just as we were leaving out for our morning run...Right now I'm very tense and frustrated...My exercising really gets me ready for my Stressful day of Homeschooling my Autistic 8 year old...and preparing my 4 year old for Kindergarten...Sometimes I feel like giving up and just eating everything....How damn early do I need to wake up to have a few moments without the kids..I'm already getting up at 4am I can't get up any earlier..FRUSTRATED!!!!!!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

3 1/2 miles

Today I ran 3 and a half miles. I started off dragging feeling slow but soon felt a lot better. I probably should have rested today but I really want to lose weight so badly. Still struggling with eating right.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

4 miles...

Today was a good 4 mile hills all flat...I loved it..I will definitely include that route in my weekly runs more than once...The energy boost I needed to recharge my love of running..

Friday, August 19, 2011

3 miles

Today I ran 3 miles in 44 minutes...I felt really sluggish..but I'm getting faster..

Thursday, August 18, 2011

5 miles

Today I ran 5 miles..5 long slow, difficult Miles..I'm on a fast track  with losing my motivation for Running..I really wish I could get better results faster so I can stay motivated..Today I struggled to run 5 miles when a couple of weeks ago..I would have been so excited and run 5 miles..I will definitely revist my running magazines so I can look at all those fit runners and hoped one day that I represent the sport of running the same way instead of the STRUGGLING PART OF RUNNING..

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Today I ran 3 miles  at my neighborhood track..It was mentally hard because 4 times around the track is a mile...I had to countdown stay motivated going around that small husband didn't like it all but the up side is that we saved gas...walked out of our front door and walked down the street to the track..I got to find a way to like that because it's super convenient

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Very short run

Today I only ran 1 mile. Easing my way back in. This time I will train more careful. Tomorrow hopefully will be a nice LSD run of about 3 or more miles. No more 7 mile runs for a long time

Monday, August 15, 2011


Yesterday was Sunday and I took a much needed rest day..I didn't visit my blog site..I didn't even take a shower until 9pm..I was so Drained from Saturday's 7 mile run..I probably won't try that again..until I'm completely under 200 pounds..but today.My daughter woke up at 3:30 am and didn't go back to sleep..I waited until 4:30am before I got dressed in my workout clothes thinking she would be so sleep by then and she wasn't..So For the second time since we started running we had to take her with us..So we just walked 5 miles..BETTER THAN NOTHING

Saturday, August 13, 2011


Today the second day of my period, which is usually my worst period day..I ran 7 accident..We sat out to do our usual long 5 MILE RUN on Saturday..but when I started I ran extremely slow..So my Energy was well on our way back from Cherry Park to the Winthrop Coliseum where we park our car..we kept running past the car and ran around the Winthrop Coliseum and then around Winthrop Lake..I'm so tired..I didn't tell my husband but after that run I felt like it will definitely be a long time before I push myself that hard again..

Friday, August 12, 2011


Today was the first day of my period and I seem a little slow I decided to just run instead of focus on a particular distance..but the run lasted from 4:56 to 6:00...It was slow but It was productive..oh I saw an owl just morning..

Thursday, August 11, 2011

BEST RUN !!!!!!!

Today was my best run in a long time..I wasn't sore or fatigue...NICE PACE FASTER THAN USUAL..I  ran from 4:56am until was husband and I had great conversation..usually by the end of the run I'm too tired to conversate..but today I WAS CHATTING AWAY..controlling my control of MY RUN!!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

4.5 miles

Today I ran 4.5 miles..the first Mile was extremely slow and the last mile was a good steady pace..I'm really starting to feel unmotivated..I  want to see some significant weight loss...or I might stop and try something else...I know that will disappoint my husband because he loves running..I think I do sometimes but it would really help if I actually looked like someone who runs 3 or more miles a day....

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Today I didn't run...because my daughter pulled another early rising...which I have to admit I really didn't mind because my legs still felt a little sore..not much but enough for a good rest day to highly benefit my muscles...and allow for some much needed muscle repair..But we strapped her in her stroller and walked for 50minutes..Strangest thing happened today..there's a man that see my husband and I every morning..running and has seen us every morning for over a month..He has never said hello...One time I made the mistake of speaking to him and he didn't say a word..and I promised myself to never speak to him again..but today when we were walking and pushing my daughter in the stroller..he said good morning..ODD!!! anyway needless to say my daughter ruined my run..saved my muscles..and gave the stranger a face...but tomorrow I'm going to run a LSDR...long slow distance run..

Monday, August 8, 2011


Today it took me 1 hour to run 3.5 miles...I was sore from yesterday and my back hurt a little...which probably meant today should have been a rest day..but I'm afraid if I take too many rest days..I might stop and never start back..Even though this time that may be highly's always in the back of my mind... I want to get HEALTY..NOT JUST LOSE WEIGHT..

Sunday, August 7, 2011

6.5 MILES....WHAT REALLY !!!!! 6.5 MILES..

Today I really showed my RUNNING ABILITY...MY OVER 200 POUND BODY ran 6.5 miles..I literally ran a  10k plus some change...I can't believe it...the first 4 miles were very easy..slow steady pace..and the last 2 miles.... was defintely a slow struggle but I did it..I never stop once..My husband finally met his mileage match..because usually when we're running he's always so comfortable perfect form..hardly panting..but today I saw him taking it extra easy on the hills and slowing down when I slowed down..but he's still an Awesome running buddy..  We ran for 1 hr 48 close to 15 minute Miles which is slow but that's okay..I'm PROUD ANYWAY..

Saturday, August 6, 2011


Today was an unplanned rest husband and I had every intention on running..but My daughter woke up at 5am...we thought since it was the weekend we could just get up at 5am instead of 4am like we usually do during the week..but she got up and my 16 year old was sound it would have been like leaving my 4 year at home we stayed in...I feel so defeated..I just want to run everyday..that my body feels like. it..Now I know I'm going to have a bad day..

Friday, August 5, 2011


Today was a  really good run...I ran from 4:54am until 5:48am an easy 3 miles...coming off of that 5.5 miles yesterday,  I thought I would be sore and very unmotivated..but I was not sore.. even though getting out of bed was a bit challenging today..because it was so hot..but once I got moving I was ready to put another running day..under my belt... Now tomorrow I think I'm going to try and push another 5 miles out of me some kind of way..I'm so determined..I really want to stay this way..for once in a long time I'm totally FOCUSED ON GETTING HEALTHY..STILL HAVE A BIT OF A SWEET TOOTH..

Thursday, August 4, 2011

5.5 MILES.....

Today Marks the 30th day of my running...I can't believe it's been thirty days already...Well anyway I ran my longest run today..5 and 1/2's was a slow start...and a slow middle...I really didn't feel a boost of energy until my last mile...I can't wait unitl running becomes easier...all the way through..I ran for 1 hour 26minutes..last Saturday when I first ran 5 miles I ran in 1 hour 24 I'm definetly getting faster..I STILL NEED TO LOSE THE WEIGHT...

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Getting ready for a very long run Saturday...We did a moderate pace 2 mile run..I'm feeling good..I'm ignoring phone calls of people who annoy me..especially the HOMEWRECKER. I'm so focused on myself..2 I'm going for 4 miles tomorrow..

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Today I ran for an hour...I ran over 3 miles...It was a rough run..I felt really tired...maybe it was the humidity...I just don't know..I got up feeling really good...thinking that I would surprise myself and run 5 miles..but I could only do 3 1/2...well anyway another running day down.

Monday, August 1, 2011


Today was an easy run...I only ran 2 miles...still trying to take it easy after that 5 mile run Saturday..I can't believe that a 2 mile run is considered my easy run...I'm telling you I have really come a long way...I didn't feel like running today..I thought I was going to either rest or walk today..but when I started moving around in my house getting dress...I started feeling like I had to do it...Now I'm motivation to my friends...I checked my phone and saw I had a message from a friend last night asking if I ran...that gave me the extra boost that I  needed and me and my husband headed out the door...OH YES!!!!! My wonderful Husband is still running with me...

Sunday, July 31, 2011

54 minutes...

Today I only ran 54 minutes...AND I had on my old shoes and my feet thanked me..I ran less mileage than yesterday but I was more exhausted today during my run...but I set out on a course and finished it...PRAY FOR MORE ENERGY TOMORROW...

Saturday, July 30, 2011

5 MILES!!!!!!!! FIVE MILES!!!!

Yeah that's I ran 5 longest run to date..I purchased some new running shoes yesterday and was ready to go...but as soon as my husband and I started running the bottom of my feet was on fire...My new running shoes SUCKED!!!! I was so disappointed but was determined to keep going..and I did...1 hour and 24 minutes later the results is 5 long miles...AND as for the new running shoes...they are going back to the store..if they take them back...please take those fire starters back...I prayed the whole run and Jehovah delivered me safely...I'm so proud of myself..still waiting for the weight to completely disappear..

Friday, July 29, 2011


Today was a much needed rest day..My knees were really sore yesterday..and my whole body Today I had to force myself to stay home and not run..My body was telling me to rest yesterday but I ran through it...But today I will rest before I'm sidelined for good...I still may do a light walk...

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Today was a hard running day..when I first got out there I really didn't feel like I started out slowly jogging...then I stopped and started walking...So my husband and I was on our way back to the car...when I said lets start over...we started over and I ended up running 1 hour 15 min...MIND OVER MATTER....IF YOU DON'T MIND IT WON'T MATTER...ANOTHER DAY OF RUNNING DOWN!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Today I ran for 1 hour 2 minutes...It was a very relaxing run..but I know I RAN FARTHER today than yesterday.....I must be getting faster..Today without any doubt I ran over 4 miles...My Mental state was on point today for running...Running is helping me be more outspoken in my life..I don't hesitate to say no anymore..well I still hesitate to say NO!! but I actually say no know instead of yes...Today my neighbor's car was blocking ME FROM moving out of MY drive way and I went right over there at 5am and ask him to move his car..that was totally out of my comfort zone..and he came to the door NAKED..I actually saw everything...YUCK!! but end result he threw on some pants..thank goodness and moved his car..I realize nothing can stop me from reaching my goal except MYSELF..

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Today was my longest run to date..and I felt so unmotivated most of the way...I don't know what's happening but I'm not seeing any dramatic weight loss...I figure being as overweight as I am and doing such intense CARDIO the fat should be melting off but it's not..It's making me feel so discourage..I really have to re-focused...Sometimes I feel like I will never lose matter how hard I work out or how little I eat...I'm trying to push forward today and not forget that I ran over 1 hour...what is it going to take to see a 5 pound weight lost..

Monday, July 25, 2011


Today for the first time since I started running....I ran 1 hour and 2 minutes..I'm so proud of myself..ONCE AGAIN A NEW ACCOMPLISHMENT!!!  I'm so focus and ready for that 5K August the 6th..I have Declared myself an Athlete....I ran a mile to my running destination which was Cherry Park..the Park is 1.5 miles around..then I ran back a Mile and added an additional Mile by going back the same way I came and making a detour down another Trail...I felt Awesome...I'm still patting myself on the back because I can't Believe it..

Saturday, July 23, 2011


Today was the worst run ever...I had the energy and momentum...but my mind was not there...that BITCH who like my husband want stop coveting my life..she shows up yesterday knowing my husband was home..with some BULL SHIT EXCUSE..."I just want to show you this"  NOTHING...A small bottle of hair serum..she absolutely makes me feel like vomiting...I only ran 40 minutes..I feel so defeated for letting her win like this...she's the one jealous because I'm running with my husband and I ruin that because we got in an agurment and he ran on ahead of me...SHE TAKING OVER MY MIND..BECAUSE SHE WANT LEAVE ME ALONE...

Friday, July 22, 2011


Today was a very hard run for me...I started off sore in places I'm usally not sore in...then by mid run the soreness subsided..Then towards the last part of the run I became completely exhausted...but I never stopped running...I ran 50 hard minutes... I still Have not reach that Hour that I'm striving for..I think it's time for some much needed rest...I have been running 8 days straight without any rest in between...I think I'm on my way to overdoing it..because now every one noticed that I have lost some weight and I'm becoming tone and fit..Now they want my advice and my help which is putting a strain on me and jeopardizing my workout...SO needless to say I'm stopping that before it gets started..I will be resting tomorrow which is Saturday and resting Sunday...on my rest days I will simply be doing a leisure walk...

Thursday, July 21, 2011

50minutes...almost an hour...

Today was an AWESOME RUN!!!! We ran 1 mile around Winthrop Col...and then 1 Mile around Winthrop Lake...this lake has steep inclines and 1 big hill...and by the way we went UP HILL...and then back around the Winthorp Col...again..I'm so proud of my self..I feel my body growing stronger and stronger everyday..

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

3 miles

Today  I ran 3 miles in 45 minutes...It was a HOT, HUMID RUN TODAY...At 5am it was already 80 degrees...I was pouring sweat...yeah!!!! I had both of my knees supported..I'm really taking my running serious...

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

46 minutes!!! Tough Tuesday

Today I ran for 46minutes..I had mixed feelings during this run...It was a new part of the time I felt excited..and then I felt anxious to get it over with...I ran 3 miles...I decided that Tuesday will be the only day I do this route..My running is getting better and better...because even in the beginning of the run I wanted to stop..but I push on and knock out 3 miles..It's the best stress Reliever Ever..

Monday, July 18, 2011


Today We only ran 2 miles...which would have been a hard day for me 3 weeks ago...Just goes to show my nothing short of a miracle process...Today is Monday and I will no longer drink my calories..I'm such a lover of juice and sweet drink.and didn't really realize how much I was taking in By drinking back to back fruit juice and sweetned drinks...SO I'M STOPPING...Today is also the beginning of MY running with a plan...So I did a short easy run of 2 miles even when my body felt like going another mile...20 DAYS TO THE 5K..

Sunday, July 17, 2011

52 minutes! ALMOST AN HOUR..

Today was the first time I almost ran an hour...the last time I ran an hour I was 19 years old...that was 18 years ago...I'm so proud of myself..DID YOU HEAR THAT...I'm proud of me it doesn't matter what anybody else thinks..I started out talking to my  husband about one of my friends well an acquaintance who has a major crush on my husband...and almost started walking...because she thinks I don't know..coming around openly flirting, hinting around about working out with us...SHE'S PITIFUL...But to her surprise I can run and she can't..You know another one of those women who think if you're a certain size you can't run...See the thing is we just became friends three years ago..and throughout those three years, she has never bothered to get to know anything about me...she see me overweight and assume I have always been this way..and all of our conversations are about her..her...her.. when ever I even try to say anything about me...she cuts me off and starts too talk about her AGAIN...SO NEEDLESS TO SAY..I CAN'T STAND HER..and want her to stay away from me..but about  3 weeks ago she found out I could run...and since then she has been one JEALOUS MESS..I use to walk with her and stop!!!!and started running with my husband...AND SHE CAN'T STAND IT..But today the AUDACITY of that CREEP..Thinking that I still don't know she want my husband almost ruined my run...I had to re-focus..we ran in complete silence for the first half..because I don't know why but every time I think about her liking him...I get mad at him too...But anyway...I took that anger turned it around and ran my longest RUN YET!!!!!! Wish me luck for tomorrow..I'm still over 200 pounds..but everyday..I feel like I'm getting closer to my goal..

Saturday, July 16, 2011

40 minutes....ROUGH START

Today I ran for 40 minutes which was a surprise to me and my husband considering that it was such a rocky start..I complained the whole way there because I'm moody...time of the month...I also got to the track started running and felt an odd feeling in my left afraid of anything ruining my new found love of an old flame (running)..that I turned around walked back to the car and went straight to WAL-MART TO GET some support for my knee...We got what we thought I needed and went back to the Lake.; 40minutes had I'm immediately frustrated..because I have a 4 year old daughter who wakes up way before 7 so the closer it got to 6am the more anxious I got to get my run started and over..By the way I also have a 8 year old and 17 year old whom I leave in charge of the Little no child is endangered..anyway when I pulled out the knee support it was bulky clearly the wrong thing almost impossible to run in I NEEDED AN I tooked it off and left it in the car..AND RISK INJURING MY KNEE...SO I made sure I concentrated on my form and pronation..(foot striking)..and started off very slow and ended up to very well...WHEW!!!! ANOTHER RUNNING DAY DOWN..

Friday, July 15, 2011


After my much needed day off after my dizzy spell....I went out and ran over 3 miles....42 ROCKING MINUTES...I'm so proud of myself..It was two skinny teenagers or very early 20's young ladies out there who ran and started walking and then left...Yeah that's right the big girl ran more than the two skinny girls...but they were sweet because they told me good they actually notice...I can only thank Jehovah God because I prayed before I went out there...My husband keep urging me on with this 5k and I think I'm slowly convinced that I can do it...GIVE ME THAT 5K SHIRT...

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Today my body betrayed me...It's two days before my period so I was expecting to feel a little weird but not like this...I woke up today feeling lightheaded, dizzy, and nauseous...I actually got dress anyway and tried to go out and was a made me feel worst...Sunday is usually my designated rest day..but I guess Thursday is now...Wish me Luck for tomorrow..I hope I feel better then..

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

2nd 30 minute day...

Today I ran the same route as yesterday...30minutes..but after my run yesterday..afternoon I started to feel some outer knee pain in one of my knees..So I got up extra early today and went to purchase an IT Band for my knee...for the most part it worked and I was pain free through-out my run...I'm so nervous about my knee pain I DON'T want anything to stop me from running...I'm so determine...I actually wake up excited to run everyday...I'm so amazed that my 200 pound  body can move me along non-stop...KEEP PUSHING FORWARD...5K coming up..I may just say the hell with what people think of me and run it anyway if I can

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

30 MINUTE RUN!!!!!!

Today I ran for 30 minutes...I started off snail slow but on my 2nd and last mile..I started to feel SO GREAT!!!!!  I could not believe I was really running non-stop like a real runner...I'm still over 200 pounds but it has not stopped me..I change my running goal everyday..because I'm really progressing that fast...I'm going for distance instead of speed...hopefully the speed will come one day... I Still feel too embarass to run in a 5k..One is coming up in my local area in a month..but I don't want to be over 200 pounds running a 5k...See most people think overweight people are out of shape and won't understand ...but I'm really damn proud of myself...Maybe the next 5k I would have lost enough weight to have the confidence to run in public...Right now running at 5am is very safe for me..I can run in shorts in the dark  and imagine myself as that runner on the RUNNER'S WORLD MAGAZINE LOL